
Quantitative Research Method – Part 5

Quantitative Research


The hypothesis is the combination of two words i.e. Hypothetical and Thesis, it means hypothetical statement. Hypothesis is a singular and for plural, it is written as Hypotheses. Based on research, we test the hypothesis, that this was the assumption of research and now going to test the model.

Approval and disapproval is a knowledge which is extracted on the basis of collected data. In simple words, a testable assumption which needs to be tested is called a hypothesis.

Good Hypothesis

For good Hypothesis, need to fulfill below-mentioned criteria:

For example, the relationship between more than one variable should be comparable. Such as, “male students perform better than the female student” or “job stress leads to work-life imbalance”.

The placement of the Hypothesis is after Literature Review. Research Topic, Research Question, Objective and Hypothesis should be consistent with each other.

There are two styles of hypothesis:

Hypothesis and Non-Directional Hypothesis are used together. Double-Barrel Hypothesis shall be avoided.

There are two types of Hypothesis, these are:

Always the Null Hypothesis is tested. It reflects No relationship between variables. For example, there is no relationship between the Marketing Mix and Customer Satisfaction. Only the Null Hypothesis is either accepted or rejected.

On the other hand, the Alternate Hypothesis is not tested. It reflects the relationship between variables. For example, remittance has a positive impact on GDP.

Here is the comprehensive example of Alternate Hypothesis (from 1 to 3) and Null Hypothesis (from 4 to 6):

  1. “Variable A” has a direct positive impact on “Variable Z”
  2. “Variable B” has a direct positive impact on “Variable Z”
  3. “Variable C” leads to a negative impact on “Variable Z”
  4. There is no relationship between “Variable A” and “Variable Z”
  5. There is no relationship between “Variable B” and “Variable Z”
  6. There is no relationship between “Variable C” and “Variable Z”

Research Methodology

One of the best methods to comprehend the Methodology is Research Onion. Research Onion is used to strategist the methodology of research.

Research Onion comprises six layers as follows:

Research Philosophy

Philosophy is a point of view. Research Philosophy is the first stand. The research thesis is followed by Research Philosophy. Research Philosophy is a procedure i.e. Pragmatism, Positivism, Realism, Interpretative, etc.

Research Approach

There are three approaches for a research purpose:

Deduction Research Approach
Induction Research Approach

Research Purpose

There are three types of Research Purpose:

Also, Read

Introduction to Quantitative Research Method – Part 1
Introduction to Quantitative Research Method – Part 2

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